Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Two days after Surgery - Friday

I woke up Friday, and I was ready to tackle the world.  Remember when tackling such a large adversary, you might get crushed.

Now let me explain my room.  When ever you see a "Cold War" film about hospitals in Communist Russia, they are dark, grey and there is nothing about the room that is inviting. I was transported back to the early 80's and put in a Russian hospital room. The room was a dark gray, my bed sat in the center of the room, and out the window was a wall. very little light came in, and there were devices to assist the medical professionals with the care and recovery of their patients, but they looked like primitive torture devices. I was hooked up to all sorts of machines, and my blood pressure was being checked every hour, and every two hours I was being checked to see if I was stroking out.

I felt pretty good, I slept most of the night, and my pain was manageable.  I was asked if I wanted to sit up and eat breakfast.

I ordered a breakfast, and the nurse told me my eyes would be bigger than my stomach, but I through caution to the wind, and ordered a breakfast burrito, banana and some tea. I took two bites of that food, and I threw up. (I failed to mention that I threw up when  I woke up in ICU on the first day, and my wife got upset, because I was still in those clothes I threw up in. Yuck!).

So food was now out, I was not a happy camper, because I love food. Now my body would not allow me to eat food, and I had not had a BM since I had been there. My wife told me to stop stressing, and I just laid there all that morning.

The doctor came and visited me, told me that the next day I would have the lumbar drain taken out, and I would be able to go to a regular hospital room. I was excited. No more "Cold War" Russian hospital room, I could move up to real luxury.

The nurse came in and I ordered lunch, a little less than I had for breakfast, and it stayed down. Dinner was the same way. They let me sleep pretty much all night, with out a light, but the nurse would come in and unintentionally wake me almost every hour on the hour.


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