Thursday, April 25, 2013

First couple of weeks after surgery

So my first couple of weeks are now over, and they have not been the best of times. So let me take you back to my first Monday after being released from the hospital.  Literally I could not do anything; I laid in bed for the first week, I finished a couple of books, and slept a lot. my head still hurt, and I had to use suppositories for myself to become regular. I cannot taste anything except for salty and sweet. I find this the most disturbing, because I love the flavor of my wife's cooking, but now all I taste is these two ingredients.

By Friday, I had managed to get out of bed for most of the day.  I took to using a walking stick to make it around the house, because I do get dizzy really easy. On Saturday I really wanted to get out of the house, and even though my wife thought it was a bad idea, I went anyway: Just down the street to pick my daughter up from work.

Saturday marked the first day with out sleep, but I also have not needed any pain medication. I have just been dizzy.

On Sunday we had a little further excursion, and even went so far as to go shopping, but I became very dizzy, and so I sat a lot, and used my walking stick to steady myself.

The beginning of this week, I have been up and out of bed all day. I do just sit a lot, but I have projects I can do while sitting and it keeps my mind busy. On Monday night I had a really bad smell hit my sinuses, I should have been happy, because I could smell something. But this smell was a sickly sweet perfume smell, and it invaded my taste and my nose. I tried to smell coffee, it smelled like the perfume, I even resorted to a spoonful of vinegar to get rid of the taste, that vinegar tasted like an astringent plus the perfume.

I got a really bad headache Monday night, and took what the hospital sent home with me; the first pain pill I have had since Saturday, but I slept.

Wednesday I woke up without a headache and without that awful smell. I had  pretty uneventful day but I had a headache for most of it.  I know I could take the pills, but they are running low, and if I need them in the future, I want them to be there.  However I took one more on Wednesday night and slept all night long.

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