Friday, May 10, 2013

oops left the staples

So I was talking to the Neurology office, asking them about my next appointment, and wondering when I was going to get the staples out of my back.  I think I explained earlier that staples were put into my lumbar area, to close up the lumbar puncture they did for my brain surgery.

The PA (Physicians Assistant) was mortified that the staples were not removed yet, they should have been removed two weeks after surgery. They made an appointment for the next day.

I went yesterday to my Neurosurgeon's office and they removed the staples. Now when they put in the staples, I felt it, and it was not very comfortable. However, taking them out (and there were four plus a suture) I only felt two staples, the other ones came out just fine.  So if you have staples, start asking when they are coming out by week two.

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